Saturday, December 10, 2011

21 more days to go

I'm giddy, nervous, excited, apprehensive, totally flipping out!

Ok, not really.

But I am really watching the calendar now to make sure that I have everything set and ready.

Primarily, my attitude.

I'm still not sure I've got Mark on board.

The kids? Well, they have no choice. Being 19 (soon) and 21 (soon), they need to either go along with the plan or support themselves. Mean? Not at all.

I've been working on the budget, putting FIRM numbers down on the monthly bills, and giving myself a dollar amount for food and gas. Then I remembered that I should have something there for medical stuff since I go to the doctor now and have a script as does The Boy. Keep an eye out for the Budget. So NOT looking forward to tracking but I realize it is important.

I am also slowly cleaning and organizing the pantry and freezers. I still have a lot of food even though I've been doing quite a bit of reduced grocery shopping lately. But when the good deals come around, I've been buying so maybe that's why it doesn't seem as if anything is showing any progress =D. I need to get an inventory list posted in the pantry, the baking area, the freezers and check off as I use the stuff (and add on when something is put in). This too shall become another 'new' habit of mine.

We had a neighborhood garage sale on the 3rd. I was able to clear out A LOT of stuff, not just the pile that's been accumulating in the guest room since summer. I feel so liberated after dropping the remains at goodwill. I knew if I didn't do it right then it wasn't going to happen.

Yes, it is about consumerism but I'm really NOT wanting to jump on that particular bandwagon.  I'm not doing this to save the environment or to make a 'statement' but rather, to prove to MYSELF (and those close to me) that I don't necessarily need all those things that supposedly make my life so much better.  Those very things are causing ME anxiety in that they are eating the very cash that I work so hard for, the need to replace them to keep because I just can't imagine NOT having those things. The very things that create clutter and cause more disorganization which consumes even more of my time.

And of course, it is about saving money. To put aside a nice cushion for those days down the road where surely, I will need to have the backup plan in place. Even at the end of 2011, contrary to what those in the media might say TODAY, the economy is NOT rebounding, nor is there a quick fix from the government on the horizon. It's going to cost more to live a normal day to day life and I want to be prepared for that day. I'm not sure where those on the TV get their facts from, but we can all be quite certain that it's not from you or me or those on the street.

So there you have it. My thoughts. My hopes. Not my prayers as those are private. Are you going to join in and make it the Year of Zero?

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